Year 10 History
Topic Enquiry questions/ Key skills
Type of Assessment
§ GCSE Medicine Through Time: Unit 1- Medicine in Medieval England
Were the Middle Ages a time of progress or regress in medicine?
What did people in Medieval England think caused disease?
How did people treat the sick and prevent disease in the Middle Ages?
Who would treat you in the Middle Ages?
How were the sick cared for in the Middle Ages?
How did medieval people deal with the Black Death?
GCSE past paper questions
§ GCSE Medicine Through Time: Unit 2- The Medical Renaissance
What were the Renaissance ideas about disease and illness?
What influenced the growth in new medical ideas about the Renaissance?
How far did approaches to prevention and treatment change throughout the Renaissance?
What was the impact of Andreas Vesalius on medical care during the Renaissance period?
How important was the research of William Harvey?
What impact did the Great Plague have in London in 1665
GCSE past paper questions
§ GCSE Medicine Through Time: Unit 3- Medicine in the 18 and 19 century
What was medicine like between the 1700’s and 1900’s?
How far did the work of Louis Pasteur impact upon the treatment and prevention of diseases?
How far did the work of Robert Koch impact upon the treatment and prevention of diseases?
What were the factors affecting the development of ideas about the causes of illness and disease?
What were the changes to hospitals in the 18 and 19 centuries?
What were the improvements in surgical treatment in the 18 and 19 century?
How important was Jenner’s work on vaccination?
What was the significance of John Snow in the fight against cholera in London?
GCSE past-paper questions
§ GCSE Medicine Through Time: Unit 4- Modern Medicine
Was the twentieth Century the most important period in medical History?
How has our advanced understanding of genetics affected our health?
How have Improvements in diagnosis been made possible?
What has been the impact of the availability of blood tests, scans and monitors?
How important has the development of magic bullets and antibiotics been in treating patients?
What impact did the NHS have on caring for patients?
How much progress has there been in preventing disease in the 20 C?
How did penicillin develop and why was it important?
What does the fight against lung cancer in the 21 century tell us about how medicine has improved?
GCSE past paper questions
§ GCSE Medicine Through Time: Unit 5- The British Sector of the Western Front, 1914-18
What medical knowledge developed in the early 20 C?
What were the key battles on the Western Front and how did they affect the development of medical treatment?
What were the main medical problems that were faced on the Western Front and how were they dealt with?
How important was the work of RAMC and FANY in dealing with wounded soldiers?
How significant were experiments in surgery and medicine on the Western Front?
GCSE past-paper questions
Extra-Curricular Activities
Firefly and PiXL
After school and lunchtime revision sessions
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Year 11 History
Topic Enquiry questions/ Key skills
Type of Assessment
§ GCSE Weimar and Nazi Germany Nazi Germany: Unit 1- The Weimar Republic 1918-1933
What were the origins of the Republic 1918 – 1919?
What challenges did the Weimar Republic face as a result of the Treaty of Versailles?
What challenges did the Weimar Republic face from political opposition?
Why was the Republic so unpopular with so many Germans?
How successful was the Weimar Republic’s political and economic recovery 1924-9?
How far did life improve for the German people between 1924 and 1929?
What can we learn from culture about life in Weimar Germany?
GCSE Past- Paper Questions
§ GCSE Weimar and Nazi Germany: Unit 2- Hitler’s rise to power, 1919-1933
What did the Nazi party stand for in 1920’s?
Why were the Nazis unsuccessful before 1929?
Why were the years 1924-28 known as the lean years of the Nazi Party?
Why was there growth in support for the Nazi Party?
How did Hitler become Chancellor?
GCSE Past- Paper Questions
§ GCSE Weimar and Nazi Germany: Unit 3- Nazi Control and dictatorship 1933 – 39
How did Hitler and the Nazi Party create a dictatorship in 1933 and 1934?
How effective was the police state in Nazi Germany?
How effective were the Nazis in controlling religious views?
How did the Nazi party control and influence ideas?
How much opposition and resistance was there and how effectively did the Nazis deal with it?
GCSE Past- Paper Questions
§ GCSE Weimar and Nazi Germany: Unit 4 Life in Nazi Germany 1933-39
What were the Nazis policies towards women and how effective were they?
What were the Nazis policies towards the young and how effective were they?
How effective were the Nazi policies towards education?
How effective were the Nazis in providing employment and improving living standards?
How did the Nazi deal with minorities?
GCSE past-paper questions
§ GCSE American West: Migration and Settlement in the West c. 1835-1895
Who were the Plain Indians: What were their beliefs and ideas?
What was the US government policy towards the Plain Indians?
What factors encouraged migration West?
What was the process and problems of migration?
What were the reforms of 1862 and how did they encourage settlement of the West?
What was the impact of the continued growth of settlement in America?
GCSE past-paper questions
§ GCSE American West: Plains Indians and their way of life in conflict, c. 1835-1895
Why did tensions grow between settlers and Plain Indians?
How far did life change for the Plains Indians as the West was settled?
Were the Indian wars a success for the Native Americans?
What led to the American failure at the Battle of the Little Big Horn?
What is the significance of the Wounded Knee Massacre, 1890?
What led to the destruction of the Plains Indian way of life c. 1834-1890?
GCSE past-paper questions
§ GCSE American West: Farming in the West, c. 1835- c.1895
How did the White Settlers tackle problems of farming and homesteaders?
What were the changes in farming and the cattle industry 1876-1895?
GCSE past-paper questions
§ GCSE American West: Cattle Ranching in the West c. 1835-c. 1895
How did the Cattle Industry grow in the West during the late 19th century?
How did the role of Cowboys develop in the West?
GCSE past-paper questions
§ GCSE American West: Unit 5: Law and order in the West, c. 1835-c. 1895
What were the problems with early towns and settlements?
What were the continued problems with law and order in the West after the American Civil War?
Conflict and tension: how did crime, conflict and lawlessness grow in the West and how did the government respond to this?
Conflict and tension: What was the significance of the Johnson County War?
GCSE past-paper questions
Extra-Curricular Activities
Firefly, PiXL
Lunchtime/ After school revision session